published in print :

2024 SICK Magazine - Issue 6

2021 DYKE SHORTS (self-published)

2021 SICK Magazine - 2021 Calendar

2020 Soft Punk Magazine - The Corona Papers

2020 SICK Magazine - Issue 2

2019 Soft Punk Magazine - Issue 1

2019 Journal of Art Criticism - Negative Space

2019 Ratrock Magazine

2019 The Gadfly

Exhibitions :

2024 48 Stunden Neukölln, Open Studios

101 Project Space, Berlin-Britz (June 2024)

2019 Hindsight - Ratrock Group Show

Diana Center, New York City (May 2019)

2019 Ibn Itaka Colores Release

17 Frost Gallery, Brooklyn, New York (April 2019)

2019 Ratrock Featured Artists Show

Movement Lab, New York City (March 2019)